Autumn Wisteria Color

HEX color code is #C9A0DC and the RGB is 201, 160, 220

Autumn Wisteria got its name from the plant, because it is the color of its beautifully hanging flowers. It is a mid-tone violet, which is a soothing and very eye-friendly.

How the color is made: autumn wisteria is a lighter shade of the family violet, it can be made by adding white to a violet base. In RGB color space, its components are 201/255 red (~78.82% of red), 160/255 green (~62.75% of green), 220/255 blue (~86.27% of blue). And in CMYK color space, it amounts to 8% cyan, 27% magenta, and 13% black, with no yellow added.

History: autumn wisteria, even though the name is not old, have an extensive history that stretches back to ancient Greece, where the color connoted to intelligence, royalty and divine by association. In modern times, the color came to represent creativity, wisdom and calmness, making the color a trend not only for interior design, but also in different kinds of visuals, and fashion even as a hair dye!

Color in Action

Inheriting some of the best criteria of violet, autumn wisteria is a catalyst for creativity and imagination, without being too pushy. New ideas just come without the need for insistence. Autumn wisteria is also a soothing color that makes you comfortable looking and observing negative energy dissipating.

Autumn Wisteria Dress
Autumn Wisteria Nails
Autumn Wisteria Sofa

Colors that go with Autumn Wisteria

Autumn wisteria works well with pastel colors no matter what the hue is. The most good colors that goes along with it are turquoise green, spring bud, pale matcha green, and dark vanilla. Nature-inspired colors, such as greens and browns, keep autumn wisteria grounded; while using white and light neutrals alleviate it and make it seem more heavenly.

Autumn Wisteria Dress Color Combination
Autumn Wisteria Nails Color Combination
Autumn Wisteria Sofa Color Combination

Autumn Wisteria Color Palettes and Schemes

For a perfect harmony that makes the color pop up use pastel blues, white or cream. Adding earthy colors would help adding some live to the wise and magical nature of the color. Colors like crayola and light pastel purple don't have much contrast with autumn wisteria, though the make objects blend and seem belonging to each other!

Autumn Wisteria Dress Color Palette
Autumn Wisteria Nails Color Palette
Autumn Wisteria Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Talking from a stand point of the color origins, patterns of flower - especially containing other dark pastel purples - would appear magnificent in autumn wisteria, evoking feelings of autumn in your graphic. The color also is a great color choice for backgrounds, it is often used in lighting and shading for natural paintings. Autumn wisteria also is a great color choice for trendy gradients, yet it gives them a more muted tone than exaggerated gradients. Wallpapers of patterns, gradients, or even the plain color would fit any atmosphere, especially poor-lit environments.

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Abstract Lines
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