Generate Color Palettes
in a New Way
Create unique color schemes with AI and see them
come to life on real design examples

Palettemaker is a unique tool for creative professionals and color lovers that allows you to create color palettes and test their behavior in pre-made design examples from the most common creative fields such as Logo design, UI/UX, Patterns, Posters and more.

Check Color Behavior
See how color works together in various of situations in graphic design.
AI Color Palettes
Filter palettes of different color tone and number of colors.
Diverse Creative Fields
Check your colors on logo, ui design, posters, illustrations and more.
Create Palettes On-The-Go
Instantly see the magic of creating color palettes.
Totally Free
PaletteMaker is created by professional designers, it’s completely free to use and forever will be.
Powerful Export
Export your palette in various formats, such as Procreate, Adobe ASE, Image, and even Code.
Latest Added Colors
Frequently Asked Questions
How to use PaletteMaker?
It’s very simple and intuitive. Your main color palette is on the top (or bottom for mobile devices), this is the main instrument you should work with. You can browse color schemes on the left panel, whenever you select the palette, it applies on top, you can play with “randomize” colors, change color individually, or even delete each color cell. PaletteMaker works with 5,4,3 and 2-color palettes automatically.
Is it really free to use?
Yes, This is a 100% free web app for every color lovers out there, all the current features are freeforever.
Is it suitable for non-designers?
Yes, PaletteMaker was specifically crafted so both designers and non-designers can have fun using it.
How come your color palettes never have black and white color?
When creating color palettes, black and white are not typically considered colors in graphic design. Thisis because they often serve as the background or text color on websites, or as elements surrounding the design.
How to create color palette in PaletteMaker?
Quite easy actually, please refer to this "How to Create Color Palette" quick guide if you need help.