Oak Color

HEX color code is #D8B589 and the RGB is 216, 181, 137

For a color slightly darker than almond but lighter than sable, look no further than Oak. Its warm and soothing hue makes it ideal for use as a neutral base color in both fashion and interior design. Oak has long been considered a classic color because of its versatility and popularity.

How the color is made: Mix white with dark orange that has a brown tone to create Oak.

History: Historically, Oak’s light brown and blonde color has made it ideal for use as hair color in portraits. It was a color that was associated with humility, fortitude, and country life because of its light earthy hue.

Color in Action

Oak is used extensively in interior design from cabinetry to flooring, and furniture because its warm wood color makes a space feel comforting and homey.
Oak is another color that is extremely versatile and robust in fashion. It can be used in shoe designs, handbag and purse creations, and even in enamel jewelry by designers who want to create something out of the ordinary.

Oak Dress
Oak Nails
Oak Sofa

Colors that go with Oak

Match Oak with any cool color like aquamarine, teal, or steel blue for a complementary color scheme that needs a little warming up.

Oak Dress Color Combination
Oak Nails Color Combination
Oak Sofa Color Combination

Oak Color Palettes and Schemes

Oak’s neutrality makes it well-suited to be included in most color palettes. Blue swatches will be enlivened and energized with Oak, while red and yellow swatches will bring out Oak’s warm orange undertone.

Oak Dress Color Palette
Oak Nails Color Palette
Oak Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Backgrounds that are painted a solid Oak color have a calming effect in a space and won’t dominate the rest of the interior. Try using Oak in a Greek key pattern with navy blue and gold accents for an ancient Grecian look with a modern take. Jacquard wallpaper with black, silver, green, and red will make a space feel opulent and classy.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton