Burnt Sienna Color
HEX color code is #A93400 and the RGB is 169, 52, 0
Burnt Sienna has a reddish brown hue that is achieved by heating sienna in fiery hot furnaces to achieve its rich and earthy color. Burnt Sienna is popular as a hair dye and is used to achieve luxurious sun-kissed highlights. Burnt Sienna is darker than umber but light than chestnut.
How the color is made: To make Burnt Sienna mix pure orange and very dark red, this will create a toasted cinnamon color that feels warm and comforting.
History: Traditionally Burnt Sienna’s orange hue was associated with energy, sociability, farming activities, and health. It is a color associated with fall and has autumnal vibes that make it feel cozy.
Color in Action
Melton coats in Burnt Sienna have been popular every fall season in the fashion industry—it makes people long for pumpkin spice lattes and cinnamon apple cookies. Burnt Sienna is a versatile color because of its brown hue that matches well with most other colors.
Use Burnt Sienna in furniture to create a rustic feel in a room, or paint a fireplace in Burnt Sienna to make this the focal point of a living room. Burnt Sienna can also look wonderful in a kitchen that has copper pots and utensils hanging from the cooker hood.
Colors that go with Burnt Sienna
Burnt Sienna matches well with steel blue because of their opposite and complementary positions on the color wheel, with Burnt Sienna representing the warmth and steel blue depicting the coolness.
Burnt Sienna Color Palettes and Schemes
A color palette that includes Burnt Sienna, sage green, hunter green, marigold, maize, and dark orange will create an autumnal aesthetic that feels casual and harmonious.
Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns
Flame stitch patterns in Burnt Sienna, blue, green, and cream will enhance the fiery color. A wallpaper that has an ogee design in Burnt Sienna, teal, and brick will make a space feel exciting and fun.