Blue Light Color

HEX color code is #ACDFDD and the RGB is 172, 223, 221

Portraits that are painted with Blue Light as the main color can have a melancholic feel because Blue can sometimes be associated with depression and detachment. However, very often clothing that is designed with this airy color can feel light and carefree. It all depends on what other colors, materials, and textures are incorporated into the design.

How the color is made: Blue Light is made by combining White with Moderate Cyan to create a cool color that mimics a cloudless wintery sky.

History: Traditionally, Blue Light was used to depict a sense of peace and intelligence, but occasionally it could also be used to create a gloomy mood, for instance in Van Gogh’s self-portrait in 1889 the artist’s Blue Light brushstrokes and suit create a somber feel.

Color in Action

Blue Light is typically a color that is used often in bedrooms and bathrooms because it makes a space feel serene and refreshing. Blue Light evokes a sense of clarity and pureness that can feel quite uplighting in an office space too.
Blue Light is another popular color in fashion design, with designers like Olivier Rousteing and Giambattista Valli using this delicate color to its full glory in their 2021 Spring/Summer lines.

Blue Light Dress
Blue Light Nails
Blue Light Sofa

Colors that go with Blue Light

Match Light Gray Magenta with Blue Light for a theme that alludes to baked confection delights and candy stores. For a cohesive color scheme, why not pair Blue Light with a Dark Moderate Blue and Slate Blue to invoke a sense of masculinity with a little flair for the dramatic?

Blue Light Dress Color Combination
Blue Light Nails Color Combination
Blue Light Sofa Color Combination

Blue Light Color Palettes and Schemes

Blue Light color palettes that incorporate Dirty White or Linen will offer a cool and warm balance of colors that can make a room feel airy and large.

Blue Light Dress Color Palette
Blue Light Nails Color Palette
Blue Light Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

An unconventional wallpaper could have a Blue Light cow print design placed on a White background or a floral pattern with Light Peach blooms.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton