Blue Purple Color

HEX color code is #5729CE and the RGB is 87, 41, 206

Blue Purple has a strong connotation with grandeur and ambition because it is so closely related to the powerful color Purple which was emblematic of royalty. Blue Violet was also associated with mysticism and wisdom because this color does not occur naturally and was believed to be of supernatural origin.

How the color is made: Blue Purple consists of mostly Blue and lesser amounts of Red and Green, it is made by combining Light Violet with Dark Blue.

History: Historically, Blue violet represented luxury and opulence because the dye was so expensive to make and large quantities were required to completely saturate a monarch’s robes.

Color in Action

Whether opting for a bright Blue Purple shoe or simply accenting an outfit with a Blue Purple belt, this color is one that can elevate a look. Blue Violet puffer jackets and suits are trending all over social media because Very Peri (another type of purple) was chosen as Pantone color of the year in 2022. This inspired influencers and fashionistas the world over to experiment with hues like Blue Purple as a way to embrace the color and make it their own.

Blue Purple Dress
Blue Purple Nails
Blue Purple Sofa

Colors that go with Blue Purple

A complimentary color scheme that has become quite popular in fashion shows is the one that includes Blue Purple and Strong Lime Green. This is a flamboyant combination that needs to be done with a deft hand so that it doesn't look gaudy and garish. Adding the Lime Green elements as understated accessories will give the look a stylish feel.

Blue Purple Dress Color Combination
Blue Purple Nails Color Combination
Blue Purple Sofa Color Combination

Blue Purple Color Palettes and Schemes

The Blue Purple color palette offers designers a range of saturation levels to explore with variations that span from Soft Violet to Dark Violet.

Blue Purple Dress Color Palette
Blue Purple Nails Color Palette
Blue Purple Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Blue Purple patterns that comprise geometric deco art will add an element of old-world-charm to a room, while wallpaper with a Blue Purple floral motif with Turquoise and Black will create a tropical vibe.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton