Burgundy Color

HEX color code is #721322 and the RGB is 114, 19, 34

A deep purplish red color, trending not only as a color choice for hair, but also gaining some fame in fashion in general, and also in interior design. It was selected by Pantone as the color of the year 2015 under the name Marsala. It was also the color of European Union passports for a while.

How the color is made: burgundy is made by mixing red with a little blue, as it can be depicted in its RGB components which are: 144/255 red (~56.47% of red), 32/255 blue (~12.55% of blue), without any green. And in CMYK color space, it is made up 100% magenta, 77% yellow, and 43% black, with no cyan added to the mix.

History: burgundy took its name from the famous french wine with the same color, under the same name. The first use of the word burgundy referring to the color was in 1880s. Yet it wasn't as popular a choice as red or purple, until 1990s when it stood in solid grounds. It became a lipsticks upgrading to become a popular choice for a cult. Nowadays, it is a trend for interior design and as a hair dye.

Color in Action

Combining both red's passion and purple's magic, and deriving from its origins, it is associated with wealth, luxury, authority and ambition. Tuning down red lead to the addition of more control to the character of burgundy, helping it to appear passionate yet levelheaded. If paired with dark colors, it comes across as not-to-miss-with color, as it appear moody, to serious and calm as a pre-storm setting.

Burgundy Dress
Burgundy Nails
Burgundy Sofa

Colors that go with Burgundy

Burgundy pairs well with grays, both light and dark shades. Other colors it goes well with include: teal, turquoise, gold, amber, sea blue, Avocado and other vibrant greens. And for a feminine look it can be paired with pink. It also goes well with both black and white.

Burgundy Dress Color Combination
Burgundy Nails Color Combination
Burgundy Sofa Color Combination

Burgundy Color Palettes and Schemes

To make burgundy pop up, use a light neutral - such as light gray, white, cream, and beige - as a base with burgundy as a primary colors. In green color palettes, burgundy can be used as an accent to further mystify the life with in the green. To create a feminine vibe, use burgundy alongside pink or rose, with white, beige or green as a base.

Burgundy Dress Color Palette
Burgundy Nails Color Palette
Burgundy Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Burgundy can be used gorgeously as a plain background color for mysterious graphics. Gradients with other lighter vibrant colors are trending across different media. Geometric, branches-only, and flower patterns are all kinds of patterns that are really wonderful with burgundy. Yet, dense patterns are even more mysterious in our color. Wallpapers may seem a little bit serious, unless one can comprehend the wit of burgundy.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton