Burnt Orange Color

HEX color code is #CC5500 and the RGB is 204, 85, 0

Whether as a faux leather trench coat or incorporated into a Fendi Baguette, Burnt Orange may just be the color of the moment for a long time. With Burnt Orange the usual brightness is toned down so that the warmth and magnitude of this color enhance the entire look.

How the color is made: Burnt Orange is made by blending Pure Orange with Dark Red to create the perfect singed citrus look.

History: Burnt Orange has been around for centuries. From ancient Egypt to impressionist artists in the 19th century like Auguste Renoir, Burnt Orange has been a color of sanctity and morality.

Color in Action

Several sports teams like the Netherlands soccer team and the football team from the University of Texas use Burnt Orange as their uniform color because it captures a sense of vitality and energy, and also tends to fade less easily.
Burnt Orange is a fantastic color for graphic design because of its warmth, openness, and vigor. Using Burnt Orange in a poster will give the image a rusty look that feels grungy and earthy yet fresh and inviting.

Burnt Orange Dress
Burnt Orange Nails
Burnt Orange Sofa

Colors that go with Burnt Orange

Match Burnt Orange with strong Blue or Sky Blue to intensify the Orange’s pungency and make a color scheme that feels as natural as a Summer sky.

Burnt Orange Dress Color Combination
Burnt Orange Nails Color Combination
Burnt Orange Sofa Color Combination

Burnt Orange Color Palettes and Schemes

Burnt Orange pairs naturally with any color that falls on the Brown, Rust, or Taupe range of colors because of their warm tones. Or try a color palette that includes Burnt Orange and White for a wow-factor in a design.

Burnt Orange Dress Color Palette
Burnt Orange Nails Color Palette
Burnt Orange Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

A jacquard pattern with Burnt Orange, Black, Gold, and Red will create a refined background that has aspects of intrigue. A gingham wallpaper in Burnt Orange and White has a playful feel that also includes an element of effervescence like a fizzy soda drink.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton