Carmine Color

HEX color code is #992627 and the RGB is 153, 38, 39

In a world where Red stands out as a color of love and desire, Christian Louboutin heels subvert all expectations by incorporating Carmine’s Red glory on the sole. This rebellious move was a way to set the shoes apart and make them even more desirable. Carmine soles speak to exclusivity, wealth, and limitless resources.

How the color is made: Carmine is made by blending Pure Red and Black.

History: Historically, Carmine represented adoration, affection, and desire. These notions are not far from present-day perceptions of Carmine and many a young lover at colored their affections Carmine as they pine for their beloved one.

Color in Action

Carmine’s rich warm hue makes it the ideal color for wearing whenever the is a celebration or intimate affair. Dolce and Gabbana has a racy little leopard print number in Carmine and Black as well as a perfume called “Red” that have proven quite popular as sensual gifts for special occasions.
Carmine pillows on a bed can add a little spice to the room without demanding too much real estate, and a set of Carmine curtains will not only function as luxurious blackout drapery but will also add snugness to a space.

Carmine Dress
Carmine Nails
Carmine Sofa

Colors that go with Carmine

Match Carmine to Dark Blue and Dark Cyan for a split-complementary color scheme that creates an eclectic vibe. Or try Carmine with Cream White for a classic nod to delicious Bavarian cream pies.

Carmine Dress Color Combination
Carmine Nails Color Combination
Carmine Sofa Color Combination

Carmine Color Palettes and Schemes

Carmine works well with cool colors like Navy blue or with Waerm colors like dark Magenta to produce a festive and renegade-type vibe.

Carmine Dress Color Palette
Carmine Nails Color Palette
Carmine Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Wallpapers that have ogee designs in Yellow, Carmine, and Orange add a fiery feel to a design. Geometric patterns with Carmine and Dark Blue feel energetic and unique, and backgrounds that have plaid patterns with Bottle Green, White, and Carmine feel traditional with a twist.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton