Celadon Color
HEX color code is #C3E0C6 and the RGB is 195, 224, 198
Celadon is a light minty Green that feels airy and light while also creating a sense of stabilbity and fortitude. In Raphael’s “Stanza of the Signatura” the virtue Prudence is personified and her wisdom and shrewdness are captured in her Celadon skirt as a way to emphasize her judicious nature that is present in all humans who act with diligence.
How the color is made: Mixing Slightly Desaturated Lime Green into White will result in a breathlessly rejuvenaitng hue that acts like a dash of spearmint for the senses.
History: Historically, Celadon was used to convey harmony, success, and healing. It was however a hue that was also associated with envy and poison in ancient times, and depictions of the Temptation in the Garden of Eden often have a sinister Celadon hue to create a sense of unease.
Color in Action
Celadon creates a sense of distinguished allure, which was a central theme in Moshino’s collection at 2020’s Mialn Fashion Week. The various shades of Celadon were used to illicit a mood that felt decadent and playful and harken to palatial parties that might have occurred at the Palace of Versailles at the time of Marie Antoinette.
To achieve a calm and refreshing look in a room use Celadon-colored fabrics what have Silver threads interwoven in the materials that will reflect the light and make the space feel carefree and mystical.
Colors that go with Celadon
Pair Celaron with Light Pink for a complementary scheme that is reminiscent of childhoods spent scooping bubblegum-mint icecream from sundae glasses and that exudes a vibe of blitheness.
Celadon Color Palettes and Schemes
Light Grayish Lime Green, Evergreen, and Very Dark Desaturated Green are typically colors that are seen in a greenhouse where plants abound, and creates a tonal palette that mimic nature.