Cherry Color

HEX color code is #B62625 and the RGB is 182, 38, 37

Red is the most visually dominant color on the color wheel, while Cherry with its depth creates a sense of power and appetite. Cherry Red is a color most often associated with passion and two of humanity’s deepest desires; food and sex. Cherry Red is seen in spicy foods like chili-based sauces and in sexy lingerie.

How the color is made: Cherry is a strong color made up of mostly red, with a little bit of green and blue to give it depth.

History: Cherry was made from the carotenoid pigments that occur in nature.
Occurence: These pigments are most often found in the shells of small insects, clay, or some plants and algae.

Color in Action

Traditionally, in Asian cultures, Cherry symbolizes marriage, prosperity, and happiness. While in European countries Cherry clothing and accessories were favored by the aristocracy and clergy in ancient times.
Cherry is an energetic color that suggests speed and action and is popular with sports car manufacturers. Ferrari's mid-engine sports vehicle, the 458, was available in a deep, rich Cherry Red shade that complemented its svelte and dynamic design.

Cherry Dress
Cherry Nails
Cherry Sofa

Colors that go with Cherry

When used in interior design, Cherry is best utilized as an accent color so that it doesn't dominate and overpower other elements in the room. Cherry pairs well with neutral colors like Oatmeal and Light Gray in homes or office interiors.

Cherry Dress Color Combination
Cherry Nails Color Combination
Cherry Sofa Color Combination

Cherry Color Palettes and Schemes

Cherry can be used effectively in marketing when incorporated into a tetradic color scheme. By combining Cherry with Lemon Yellow, Dodger Blue, Dark Cyan, and Bright Red advertisers can create a marketing message that will attract attention and create a feeling of excitement in the consumer.

Cherry Dress Color Palette
Cherry Nails Color Palette
Cherry Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Cherry looks attractive when incorporated into patterns consisting of checks or lines, like in gingham fabrics or tartan backgrounds. Though Cherry works just as well on a background with a white base and Cherry polka dots for a fun element.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton