Chestnut Color

HEX color code is #954535 and the RGB is 149, 69, 53

Chestnut is an orange-brown color that is lighter than sepia but darker than terracotta. It has a muted red undertone that gives brightness and warmth, especially when displayed on a rustic woodgrain surface.

How the color is made: To make the color Chestnut mix very light red with very dark (almost black red), the resulting color will be an earthy warm brown.

History: Chestnut was traditionally associated with demureness, civility, and decorum. Its dark hue made is the perfect color for furniture design. Chestnut has a strong and masculine feel that is symbolic of the trees from which the name came. It evokes a sense of stability.

Color in Action

Chestnut colors are often seen in stately homes with grand banisters and wood-paneled interiors. It is a color that is often associated with executives and legal professionals, as their offices are frequently adorned with Chestnut-coloured furniture that has black leather insets.
Chestnut is just as common in fashion. Designers incorporate the deep reddish-brown hue into belt fabrications, handbags with gold trim, and other accessories like hats and shoes. Though Chestnut has a strong red undertone, it is still considered a neutral color by many because of its ability to pair with virtually any color.

Chestnut Dress
Chestnut Nails
Chestnut Sofa

Colors that go with Chestnut

Match Chestnut with dark moderate cyan to achieve a complementary color scheme for a look that feels stoic and grand. Chestnut can also be paired with its split-complementary colors, dark moderate blue and dark moderate cyan for an imperial look that feels noble.

Chestnut Dress Color Combination
Chestnut Nails Color Combination
Chestnut Sofa Color Combination

Chestnut Color Palettes and Schemes

Chestnut, moderate red, and blush will form a cohesive monochromatic color palette that brings a subtle feminine feel to the table.

Chestnut Dress Color Palette
Chestnut Nails Color Palette
Chestnut Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Flame stitch patterns in Chestnut will add to the warm appeal of this color. Wallpapers that have medallion designs in Chestnut, gold, and cream can bring a rarefied atmosphere to a space.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton