Dusty Blue Color

HEX color code is #8C9DAD and the RGB is 140, 157, 173

The main color choice for wedding dresses is dusty blue for a reason. Even though it a shade of blue; it doesn't just show cool and relaxing vibe, under the hood it shows some happiness, joy and playfulness; and that's why it is used as color of joy and used in wedding ceremonies.
Dusty blue deserves a better name as it suggest that the color doesn't convey cleanness correctly. But that is not actually true; it is more clean than the name suggests.

How the color is made: blues are not found in nature as they can't be described as an earthy color. Yet, dusty blue is a slightly greyish light blue color. In RGB it comprises of 140/255 red (~55% of red), 157/255 green (~61% of green), 173/255 blue (~68% of blue). In in CMYK color space it consists of 19% of cyan, 9% of magenta, 32% of black, without any yellow.

History: the blue color family is hard to find in nature and most pigments are synthesized. We can find dusty blue in the paintings of great artists such as Van Gogh, Picasso, and even older artists.
Occurence: Dusty blue is used nowadays for weddings from the bridesmaid dress to decorations and gift packaging.

Color in Action

Dusty blue tells a story of the heavenly, as it can be seen in the sky. It gives a very relaxing aura with a productivity boost; hence it is used as uniforms for factories, medics, ... etc.
And this shade, despite lacking any yellows, suggests a happy and playful aura without exaggeration.

Dusty Blue Dress
Dusty Blue Nails
Dusty Blue Sofa

Colors that go with Dusty Blue

Being close to grey, makes dusty blue harmonious with a wide selection from the color spectrum, maybe it is due to our perception of sky and waters as backgrounds for the entirety of our environment. Good matches are browns, other light blues, pale yellows, green, black and even oranges.

Dusty Blue Dress Color Combination
Dusty Blue Nails Color Combination
Dusty Blue Sofa Color Combination

Dusty Blue Color Palettes and Schemes

Dark blue colors such as navy blue and shades in between will create a relaxing visual appeal. Use dusty blue as a base color with an appropriate amount of vibrant colors in order not to overtake viewer attention. Other base colors such as white and light greys are good to create a negative space to make the dusty blue more appealing.

Dusty Blue Dress Color Palette
Dusty Blue Nails Color Palette
Dusty Blue Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Dusty blue is a great base color choice for backgrounds and wallpapers wither for physical media or screens. Astonishing patterns can be sky patterns such as clouds or fog. These will give a calming and relaxing aura to wherever they are put.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton