Ecru Color
HEX color code is #BAAE82 and the RGB is 186, 174, 130
Ecru is a popular neutral color that falls somewhere on the spectrum of off-white, cream, and beige—though it is darker than these colors. Ecru is a fantastic foundation color to use in interior design as it is more inviting and soothing than stark white but lighter than tan. Ecru has a warm undertone thanks to its olive-colored base.
How the color is made: To make Ecru, mix white with dark yellow to create a light olive color.
History: Traditionally, Ecru would be associated with wisdom and idealism because of its subtle yellow base. Its brown tones made it a color that was often symbolic of youth and nature, and many artists used it to paint highlights in hair to give it a sense of texture and vitality.
Color in Action
Ecru suits portray a feeling of well-being and calm. It is not your traditional power suit, but with a sky-blue shirt can exude a sense of confidence and stature. Ecru handbags can be considered a staple in many wardrobes because their neutrality makes them versatile enough to pair with any outfit.
Ecru works wonderfully as a wall color, but why not think outside of the box and paint the floors in Ecru, this will make the room feel larger and more open. Try painting a set of bookshelves Ecru to draw the eye to the tomes that are on display.
Colors that go with Ecru
Match Ecru with a dusty desaturated blue-purple for a fun take on this complementary color scheme.
Ecru Color Palettes and Schemes
Ecru works well with slightly desaturated orange and slightly desaturated yellow to create an antique look that feels like old money.