Fawn Color

HEX color code is #E5AA70 and the RGB is 229, 170, 112

Fawn’s bright orange undertone makes it a color that is commonly associated with energy, stimulation, activity, and mental acuity. It has a vibrancy that invokes a sense of excitement and a dynamic personality. For instance, in Michaelangelo’s painting of the Libyan Sibyl, her dress is a bright Fawn and her posture depicts a sense of activity as she strains to close the gigantic book she is reading.

How the color is made: To make Fawn mix Very Pale Yellow with Strong Orange, this will result in a hue that is bright and airy.

History: Historically, Fawn has been associated with invigoration and uniqueness and was often used to portray characters or events that were considered out of the ordinary to everyday life, like when the Delphic Sibyl is depicted reading.

Color in Action

Fawn has gained popularity as a wedding color because it looks stunning as bridesmaid’s dresses in Summer wedding ceremonies. The light and floaty color of Fawn looks exquisite next to the brilliant White of the bride’s dress and the dark Black of the groom’s suit, and it also looks fantastic in flower arrangements when placed beside emerald green leaves.
A dining room that is painted a light Fawn color allows the space to feel open and airy while also creating a place that feels relaxing and that encourages people to each and talk. Fawn also works well in a kitchen and can be used as an accent color in light shades, dishtowels, and small kitchen appliances like kettles and toasters.

Fawn Dress
Fawn Nails
Fawn Sofa

Colors that go with Fawn

Match Fawn with Sky Blue for an instant contrast that creates a happy mood like a bright Summer’s day.

Fawn Dress Color Combination
Fawn Nails Color Combination
Fawn Sofa Color Combination

Fawn Color Palettes and Schemes

Try Fawn in an analogous configuration by placing it beside Soft Yellow and Soft Red to create a fruity vibe that feels fresh.

Fawn Dress Color Palette
Fawn Nails Color Palette
Fawn Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Wallpapers that have a Fawn base with White polka dots feel fun and playful, while patterns that ditzy floral prints in Fawn, Red, and Green create a Spring vibe.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton