Forest Green Color

HEX color code is #144E02 and the RGB is 20, 78, 2

Forest green, as the name suggests, is the most dominant color that meets your eyes in big forests. And it instantly give the vibe of jungles, big pushes, and tall interconnected trees.

How the color is made: forest green is made by mixing green with yellow and blue to darken the color. In RGB color space, it is made by adding up 21/255 red (~8% of red), 68/255 green (~27% of green), and 6/255 blue (~2% of blue). And in CMYK color space it is made by mixing 69% of cyan, 91% of yellow, and 73% of black with no magenta.

History: the first use of the name forest green in English was in the first decade of the seventeenth century. Yet it can be seen in landscapes featuring green scenes from the dawn of humanity.
Occurence: Now it is used as a color of environmentalism, for that matter, devoted environmentalists are named forest green environmentalists stressing the fact that they are seriously committed to green movements.

Color in Action

Like other greens, forest green can be seen as a color of growth, rebirth and newborn. Equally, it gives a feeling of nature as it brings instantaneous presence of the jungle, pushes and lively trees. Also, the forest is full of sounds and movement, forest green can give that dynamic feeling wherever put.

Forest Green Dress
Forest Green Nails
Forest Green Sofa

Colors that go with Forest Green

The complementary color to forest green is bright red. When using green and red combination, it evokes the feeling of Christmas, and by association, the feeling of celebration, joy, and holiday vibes. Yet, if you want another setting; you can pair it with blues, other shades of green and browns.

Forest Green Dress Color Combination
Forest Green Nails Color Combination
Forest Green Sofa Color Combination

Forest Green Color Palettes and Schemes

As discussed above, to create a Christmas vibe, you should use red along with forest green. Yet other colors such as sky blue, can do wonders with our color. Other neutrals such as grays, sage green and taupe can be great additions to your color palette. Pink shades can also be good if combined with forest green.

Forest Green Dress Color Palette
Forest Green Nails Color Palette
Forest Green Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Backgrounds of nature can be greatly based on forest green, also nature-inspired patterns like leaves, trees and the likes. All of these can be graciously used as wallpapers for both physical spaces and screens.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton