Greige Color

HEX color code is #B0A999 and the RGB is 176, 169, 153

While Griege seems to be simply a combination of Gray and Beige, it's also so much more than that. Think of a forest of trees shedding their golden Orange leaves and the silvery look of the brittle bark—that Silver Gray bark is the color Greige.

How the color is made: Greige is made by combining Very Dark Saturated Orange with White so that the resulting color has a warm cement look.

History: Greige is typically a color associated with neutrality, modesty, classicism, and balance. It adds depth and dimension to portraits when used in shadows and highlights.

Color in Action

From the classic Geige graphic T-shirt to the Greige business suits, and Greige evening wear, this color has been having its moment from 2016 and onwards without an end in sight. Greige is a versatile color that pairs well with every other shade or hue making it a favorite in minimalist and eccentric wardrobes.
Greige is seen often in kitchen design whether in the flecked marble countertops or as the main color on cabinet doors. A Greige floor reflects the light in a room so that the whole space feels bigger and is a good foundation from which any interior designer will be pleased to work.

Greige Dress
Greige Nails
Greige Sofa

Colors that go with Greige

Greige matches well with Light Slate Blue and balances any other cool colors well with its warm undertone. Greige is considered a warm neutral and will match perfectly well with all colors on the cool and warm spectrums.

Greige Dress Color Combination
Greige Nails Color Combination
Greige Sofa Color Combination

Greige Color Palettes and Schemes

Work with color palettes that include Sandy Gray, Muted Gray, and Dark Warm Gray for a classic monochromatic look that not only feels cozy but also creates a feeling of finesse.

Greige Dress Color Palette
Greige Nails Color Palette
Greige Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

A plaid pattern in Greige, Desaturated Orange, and Cream White with a Dark Red stripe will look idyllic and classic.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton