Gunmetal Color

HEX color code is #5C5D5B and the RGB is 92, 93, 91

Dark blueish shade of gray that convey toughness of metal, boldness and seriousness. Which make it a great replacement for blacks and other dark grays.
Unlike other grays, gunmetal have a majestic and a very deep aura. Yet it is still neutral and fitting to almost all kind of colors there are.

How the color is made: the color is made by mixing almost third way black with tiny amounts of cyan and yellow in the CMYK color space. Yet, in RGB color space it is comprised of 92/255 red (~36.1% of red), 93/255 of green (~36.5% of green) and 91/255 blue (~35.6% of blue).

History: throughout history, gunmetal wasn't used until the dawn of using gunmetal - the alloy - in manufacturing firearms. Gunmetal is an alloy of copper, tin and zinc giving it a dark blueish silvery look and feel. After using the alloy in the industry, the color flourished as it was connected to power.

Color in Action

The metallic look can be somehow intimidating as it is solid and not organic. Yet, the solidness add trust to things we need to trust with our lives like automobiles, and handy tools. Also, solidness gives a feeling of being grounded and sleekness.

Gunmetal Dress
Gunmetal Nails
Gunmetal Sofa

Colors that go with Gunmetal

Greys are neutral, but gunmetal is even more neutral amongst greys. That gives it even more neutral feeling and harmony with a wider spectrum of colors like vibrant cool colors, pale warm colors, greens and other nature-inspired colors, ... etc.

Gunmetal Dress Color Combination
Gunmetal Nails Color Combination
Gunmetal Sofa Color Combination

Gunmetal Color Palettes and Schemes

Dark greys like onyx can give a nice accent to gunmetal. Navy blue, pale blue and some other pale browns with gunmetal and whites give a foggy and rainy feeling to graphics. With black, it can be used as a nice accent to emphasize some structure to the piece.

Gunmetal Dress Color Palette
Gunmetal Nails Color Palette
Gunmetal Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Patterns with gunmetal can be both geometric to add more emphasize and sophistication to your backgrounds and wallpapers. But to break some of that sophistication, you can create furry backgrounds. Even though they seem unnatural, they are very good-looking.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton