Happy Color

HEX color code is #F8D664 and the RGB is 248, 214, 100

An orangish mid-tone yellow, well I guess the name suffices to tell the color features, what do you expect form a color named happy? It would create a joyous vibe with a rush of dopamine that lightens your mode and eventually make you happy.

How the color is made: the color happy can be achieved by mixing orange into a yellow base. In RGB color space, it is composed of 248/255 red (~97.25% of red), 214/255 green (~83.92% of green), 100/255 blue (~39.22% of blue). And in CMYK color space, it is composed of 13% magenta, 59% yellow, and 2% black, with no cyan added to the mix.

History: yellow colors are colors of with extensive history, alongside white, red and black. You'll find yellow in cave paintings dating to 17 centuries ago, the color is had different positive associations in different cultural settings, for example, in China yellows are considered signs of luck.

Color in Action

Happy emphasizes joyfulness, happiness and cheer. Whether you wear the color, use it as a whole paint or as an accent in the form of house gadgets or accessories, the color will look wonderful and daring. Happy is less visually subtle than pure yellow, yet in terms of the intensity of feelings, it is more present, as the visuals don't overwhelm the observer and they can really grasp the subtle cues of yellow through happy, that are otherwise hidden in the vibrance of yellow.

Happy Dress
Happy Nails
Happy Sofa

Colors that go with Happy

As yellows, and other warm colors, need a cool medium to encompass their temperature, and further intensify their vibrance. In the case of happy, it is better to be used with cornflower blue, or lighter shades of blue, and also it works well with blueish purples. Happy is analogous to similar warm shades like tangerine, and mid-tone yellow-greens.

Happy Dress Color Combination
Happy Nails Color Combination
Happy Sofa Color Combination

Happy Color Palettes and Schemes

Pair happy with cool colors such as light and dark shades of blue and violet, and the resulting palette will be harmonious. Use shades of green to add some life to your palette. Or instead you can use another warm color like pastel red with a couple of cools to create an interesting palette that is full of motion.

Happy Dress Color Palette
Happy Nails Color Palette
Happy Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Unlike yellow, or other vibrant warm color, you can use happy as a background for different kinds of graphics, as the color can be seen in emojis, emojis aren't colored in pure yellow, rather they are colored in shades of yellow such as happy. That can be also said about wallpapers, where pure yellow will be overwhelming, happy strives due to its slightly muted tone. There is no one kind of pattern that works well with happy, it can be used to color flowers in plant patterns, or it can be used as a primary color in geometric patterns; yet wavy patterns are particularly interesting as they closely resemble sand.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton