Indicolite Color

HEX color code is #8BF0F1 and the RGB is 139, 240, 241

Indicolite has a vintage Blue hue that makes you think of blowing bubbles and watching them float away on the wind. Indicolite has a mystical vibe that makes it ideal for fairy costumes and children’s dress-up outfits.

How the color is made: To make Indicolite mix Vivid Cyan with White which will produce a hue as clear as crystal.

History: Traditionally, Indicolite represented truthfulness, authenticity, wisdom, and clear communication. It is a color associated with clarity of thought and fluidity of speech and was worn by spiritual leaders to aid them with discernment and dialogue.

Color in Action

Indicolite is gaining popularity in the wedding industry as the ideal romantic color for that special day. Its association with truthfulness and communication set the tone for a marriage that will endure the ups and downs of life.
Use Indicolite in a bathroom to create that spa-like feel whenever you run a bubble bath and expect to soak your troubles away. It can also work in a nursery when used with Dark Blue and Bottle Green to create a calming and nurturing space for a little one.

Indicolite Dress
Indicolite Nails
Indicolite Sofa

Colors that go with Indicolite

Match Indicolite with Soft Red for a balancing complementary color scheme that will remind you of cotton candy sticks and lazy days at the fun fair. Or try Indicolite with Very soft Pin and Very Soft Orange for a split-complementary color scheme that is contemporary and fun.

Indicolite Dress Color Combination
Indicolite Nails Color Combination
Indicolite Sofa Color Combination

Indicolite Color Palettes and Schemes

It might be a little unconventional, but Indicolite with Navy Blue can have a stimulating effect when used in a design.

Indicolite Dress Color Palette
Indicolite Nails Color Palette
Indicolite Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Geometric designs with Indicolite, Gold, and Black will have a striking impact when used as wallpaper. Polka dot backgrounds with Indicolite and White are playful and upbeat, while floral patterns with Indicolite, Pink, Green, and White will have a cottage feel.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton