Indigo Color

HEX color code is #4B369D and the RGB is 75, 54, 157

Indigo is one of the most hard colors to pin down to a color family. It is exactly half way between blue and purple, some people say it is blue with purplish undertone, others refer to it as a vibrant reddish blue according to how the color is made in wet media.

How the color is made: the color is made by either mixing blue and purple with equal proportions, or 1 unit of blue with 2 units of red. And in RGB color space, it amounts to 75/255 red (~29.41% of red), 130/255 blue (~50.98% of blue), with no green. And in CMYK color space, it consists of 42% cyan, 100% magenta, and 49% black, without any yellow.

History: indigo is named after a dye coming from India, which dates back to the 4th century A.D. It was very pricy until replaced with a synthetic dye. Also, indigo is visible in the light spectrum between blue and purple as Newton first proposed it. Around that time, many artists used indigo in their paintings. Now you can see indigo in denim, water colors, Crayola crayons as will as in other media.

Color in Action

The color is having a perfect mix between two of the best qualities a state of mind can have. It takes some tranquility and calmness of blue, and inherits majesty, mind-stimulation and creativity-boosting from purple. Ending up with a mix perfect for meditation, spirituality and intuition. It is often also associated with mindfulness, wisdom, authority, capability, power, dignity and devotion.

Indigo Dress
Indigo Nails
Indigo Sofa

Colors that go with Indigo

The complementary of indigo is a dark shade of green, when they are used together; they must be based on a light neutral. Indigo works well with dark cyan, brown, dark violet, dark blue and dark magenta. Alongside light neutrals such as cream, khaki, and pastels.

Indigo Dress Color Combination
Indigo Nails Color Combination
Indigo Sofa Color Combination

Indigo Color Palettes and Schemes

Indigo can create great color palettes such as night-inspired palettes which might include: black, onyx, midnight blue, light gray, different shades of dark purple, alongside indigo. Another good palette might be based on cream, with indigo as a primary color with shades of blue and violet as secondary colors, and a dark green for accents.

Indigo Dress Color Palette
Indigo Nails Color Palette
Indigo Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Geometric patterns are cool when drawn in indigo with a light neutral. But that's true for non-geometric patterns too, and here indigo's purple nature of magic controls. These patterns as well as gradients are magnificent in backgrounds and wallpapers and they fit all kinds of media.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton