Light Grey Color

HEX color code is #D8D8D8 and the RGB is 216, 216, 216

Light Grey has been gaining traction in the fashion industry and interior design fields for several years now. Its cool and reserved appeal make it ideal for use as a base color in the home and office spaces while its neutrality makes it the ideal hue for everyday fashion and haute couture too.

How the color is made: Light Grey is made by mixing regular Grey with white to achieve a light and airy Grey tone.

History: Traditionally Light Grey has been a color that is considered neutral and grim. It is the color of gravestones and churchyard cemeteries. It was mostly a color that was disregarded until the fashion industry took hold of it and made it the trendy and classic color it currently is.

Color in Action

Light Grey is possibly the most versatile color in fashion today. It can be used in tuxedos and business suits and then just as easily transition into floaty Light Grey tulle frocks and silky slip dresses. Winter fashion has seen an abundance of Light Grey knitwear in the form of chunky sweaters and fluffy beanies in all major retail stores.
Use Light Grey in the home to create a tranquil space that can balance any number of colors. Yellow, Light Grey, and white has been used to decorate bedrooms and family living rooms to give homes a fresh and modern take on the outdated styles of yesteryear.

Light Grey Dress
Light Grey Nails
Light Grey Sofa

Colors that go with Light Grey

Matching Light Grey is an easy task because of its universal appeal and neutral hue. Dark and light blues look exceptional with Light Grey, but for a really interesting look why not pair Light Grey with bright magenta or amaranth?

Light Grey Dress Color Combination
Light Grey Nails Color Combination
Light Grey Sofa Color Combination

Light Grey Color Palettes and Schemes

Light Grey’s color palette is neutral so add black and white to its swatches to create a tonal gradient.

Light Grey Dress Color Palette
Light Grey Nails Color Palette
Light Grey Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Plaid patterns in Light Grey can make a design feel classic, while wallpaper in solid Light Grey will cool a room down.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton