Lime Color

HEX color code is #00FF00 and the RGB is 0, 255, 0

Lime Green is a bright Green that feels refreshing and invigorating like the smell of a pungent citrus peel. Lime Green is a radical color that must be used in small doses.

How the color is made: Lime Green is made by mixing Bright Yellow with Blue to create a citrusy color that is reminiscent of the lime fruit.

History: Ancient Egyptians used to consider Lime Green a symbol of good health, fertility, success, strength, and rebirth.

Color in Action

Lime green can be used in fashion accessory design or as the main color for an outfit. Due to its supreme brightness Lime green is a color that is perfectly suited for theatre costumes and set design. A Lime Green ballgown for a play that is set in the Regency period will be a show-stopping that will make the production look remarkable.
Lime Green can be used as an accent color in a child’s playroom or for outdoor playground equipment. It is not well-suited for wall color and should probably not be the main color in a room because it will quickly overpower the space and make it feel claustrophobic.

Lime Dress
Lime Nails
Lime Sofa

Colors that go with Lime

A split-complementary color scheme that includes Lime Green will have Pure Pink and Pure Violet as its corresponding colors which will create a truly eye-popping design that feels energetic and ground-breaking.

Lime Dress Color Combination
Lime Nails Color Combination
Lime Sofa Color Combination

Lime Color Palettes and Schemes

A monochromatic color palette will have tones and shades of Lime Green that make it feel like a tropical paradise. Try Lime Green with Pure Blue, Pure Magenta, and Pure Yellow for a tetradic color palette that has an exuberant vitality.

Lime Dress Color Palette
Lime Nails Color Palette
Lime Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Backgrounds of Pure Lime Green can feel overwhelming and boring, so why not try a damask pattern in Lime Green and Onyx for a grungy look or a checkered pattern with Lime Green and White for a summery feel?

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton