Lime Green Color

HEX color code is #9FC131 and the RGB is 159, 193, 49

Lime Green is a fresh color that adds zest and pertness to an image or design. Lime Green is usually associated with growth, harmony, and youth. Picasso uses a bold Lime green background in his cubism-style portrait titled “Breakfast” (1953) to unify the characters in the painting and to add a visual anchor for the viewer.

How the color is made: Lime Green is created by mixing Light Yellow with Dark Green to achieve a bright green that looks like the leaves on a Golden Elm tree.

History: In African traditions, Lime Green has meant abundance and natural wealth, and has been used in traditional dress and artworks to pay homage to Mother Earth and her fertile ground.

Color in Action

Zesty Lime Greens paired with autumnal browns or cool greys in an outfit are always a hit on fashion runways. A Lime Green top also looks fantastic with a pair of Dark Blue jeans for a playful sporty look in Summer.
In interior design, Lime Green is best used as an accent color in a room, like as a lamp base or ceramic vase because it can be overpowering when used as a wall color.

Lime Green Dress
Lime Green Nails
Lime Green Sofa

Colors that go with Lime Green

Lime Green matches well with a moderately bright Blue to create a striking complimentary color scheme. A triadic color scheme that includes a moderately bright Magenta and Cyan combination with Lime Green creates an eclectic look that feels vivacious.

Lime Green Dress Color Combination
Lime Green Nails Color Combination
Lime Green Sofa Color Combination

Lime Green Color Palettes and Schemes

Tonal variations of Lime Green can run from Light Yellow Green all the way to Dark Olive Green, and artists often use these shades and tints when painting landscapes or lush foliage in forest portraits.

Lime Green Dress Color Palette
Lime Green Nails Color Palette
Lime Green Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

An Ogee pattern in White, Lime Green, and Blue Violet creates a look that feels modern with a Middle Eastern twist. While a thinly stripped wallpaper with Lime Green, Pastel Pink, and Cream White would add a calming feminine touch to a home office.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton