Magenta Color

HEX color code is #FF00FF and the RGB is 255, 0, 255

Magenta is a color of passion and love appearing emotionally charged, meanwhile it is also a color of intelligence, tranquility and mental stimulation leading to confusion in its appearance.

How the color is made: magenta is not a color you see in the visible spectrum, it is rather what you perceive when your brain combines red and purple in a logical fashion appearing magenta instead of green. In RGB color space magenta is made up of 100% red and 100% green while it is a main component in CMYK color space used in printers.

History: unlike its rather positive associations, the name magenta originates from an Italian city name where a French-Austrian battle occurred. Where the blood spill turned to a deeper hue of magenta. We can find magenta in paintings of 19th- century after its synthesize, when it also became dominant in the textile industry. Now the color appears in different forms of art, a related shade, viva magenta, is even nominated by Pantone to be the color of the year 2023.

Color in Action

The color magenta is a color of emotional harmony because it is the combination of red, a color of hard-to-restraint emotions of love, passion and anger, controlled by the calmness, authoritative energy of violet. Hence, wether in cloth, fashion, painting, or any art form it will appear as such and will trigger different vibes as it is unique to every individual.

Magenta Dress
Magenta Nails
Magenta Sofa

Colors that go with Magenta

Magenta works well with both its parents red and violet, but it also works well with different shades of them including pink, purple, blue, and aqua. A direct complementary is green so to create a great contrast use shade of green like green green, sea green, forest green, and guppie green. Likewise, you can add yellows to further enhance the contrast.

Magenta Dress Color Combination
Magenta Nails Color Combination
Magenta Sofa Color Combination

Magenta Color Palettes and Schemes

Adding shades of blue and violet, especially dark tones, would help creating a dark color palette that tone down magenta's lightness which would fit poor-lit spaces. But for more bright color palettes, use shades of green, white, grays and light blues. And for a feminine palette pair magenta with different shades of pink and purple alongside a neutral base color.

Magenta Dress Color Palette
Magenta Nails Color Palette
Magenta Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Magenta can be used as a background color for different kinds of graphics, yet gradients with violets, pinks, or even blues would appear more drastic. Patterns of nature can be painted in magenta, for coloring flowers or leaves and adding a dark shade of green would create a perfect pattern. Wether the plain color, gradients or patterns would create magnificent wallpapers for different kinds of media.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton