Maize Color

HEX color code is #F2C83F and the RGB is 242, 200, 63

Maize is a golden color that is used to communicate bravery, confidence, enthusiasm, sociability, and success. Maize Yellow is seen in nature in flowers like the dark-leafed dahlia and gorgeous fluttering Monarch butterfly. Its brilliance is reminiscent of radiant sunrises which evoke a sense of rebirth and new beginnings.

How the color is made: Maize is created by mixing Very Light Yellow with Orange. This blend of colors makes a color that looks like the golden maize fields just before harvest time.

History: Maize has been a staple food ever since humans started agricultural practices. The color Maize is therefore associated with prosperity and sustenance.

Color in Action

Maize can be seen in fashion magazines where outfits are created with bold warm colors that mimic the color of corn and pair it with accessories in Black or Bronze for a pleasing and lionized effect. Shirts that are designed with horizontal White and Maize stripes have a mature feel that also feels a little quirky.
Maize is used successfully in interior design whether it is used as the dominant color in the room or merely as an accent shade on ornaments and scatter pillows.

Maize Dress
Maize Nails
Maize Sofa

Colors that go with Maize

Maize matches well with Light Grayish Blue because this cool color creates a balanced contrast that emphasizes Maize’s richness

Maize Dress Color Combination
Maize Nails Color Combination
Maize Sofa Color Combination

Maize Color Palettes and Schemes

A triadic color palette with Maize as its main color might include colors that appear further along the color wheel like Bright Magenta and Soft Cyan. This palette will create a tonal earthy scheme that evokes a feeling of confidence and strength.

Maize Dress Color Palette
Maize Nails Color Palette
Maize Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

A Maize background with a Black linear pattern would play with the colors seen on the Monarch butterfly but with inorganic designs that seem opposite to the butterfly’s wings, this will have a striking effect when used as a backdrop for a corporate event. Wallpapers in Maize Yellow will evoke a sense of wealth.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton