Mango Color

HEX color code is #FFBF34 and the RGB is 255, 191, 52

Mango sits perfectly in the middle between Yellow and Orange, giving it a brilliant and whimsical feel. The name Mango is derived from the flesh of the mango fruit and invokes a sense of freshness and health. Houzz picked Mango as the color of the week in May 2015 because of the tropical vibe it gives a room.

How the color is made: Mango is made using Very Light Yellow and Pure Orange colors.

History: Legend says that the color Mango was created by feeding mango leaves to cows in India to give their urine an intense yellow hue. The urine was apparently collected and dried to make a vivid yellow pigment that artists could use in their portraits.

Color in Action

Mango is typically seen in the Spring lines at fashion shows. Mango makes a statement, especially when worn at evening events or award shows. Just think of Serena Williams’ voluptuous Versace Mango-coloured dress worn at the 2019 Met Gala, or Beyonce’s feathery Mango dress designed by David Koma for the 2022 Oscars.
The color Mango can be used to create a statement wall in a dining room, especially when accompanied by a dark wood dining table with Golden Brown upholstery.

Mango Dress
Mango Nails
Mango Sofa

Colors that go with Mango

Matching Mango with Light Blue and Light Cyan will create a split-complementary color scheme that creates an element of surprise. Mango also looks particularly fetching when used with a rich Wine color to create a look that is distinguished.

Mango Dress Color Combination
Mango Nails Color Combination
Mango Sofa Color Combination

Mango Color Palettes and Schemes

The riper a mango fruit the darker its flesh. This same principle applies to the scope of Mango variations; a light Mango will feel fresh and invigorating, while a dark Mango that has black pigment added to it will feel nourishing and comfortable.

Mango Dress Color Palette
Mango Nails Color Palette
Mango Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

A bold geometric patterned wallpaper with Mango, Brown, and, Yellow was characteristic of decor that dominated the 1970s and is seen in modern fashion trends too.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton