Marigold Color

HEX color code is #EAA221 and the RGB is 234, 162, 33

The color Marigold stands for strong emotions and passion because it is linked to the sun. In artwork, Marigold tends to symbolize celebration and gregariousness. An unknown artist painted a portrait depicting the 1565 celebration joust that occurred on the wedding day of Annibale Altemps and Ortensia Borromeo in the Belvedere Courtyard in Rome which featured several shades of Marigold and depicted a joyous occasion.

How the color is made: Marigold is made by mixing Light Yellow with Strong Orange to create a bright sunny color that suits Summer and Fall themes.

History: Historically, Marigold portrayed energy, enthusiasm, and health. It also was used to depict Fall and ripe fruit and was commonly associated with harvest and prosperity.

Color in Action

Marigold is a color that is well suited for use in warning signs because of its high visibility and attention-grabbing aspects. For this same reason, it is also a color that has become quite popular in the fashion industry because designers can create head-turning clothing that makes the wearer feel positive and attractive.
In interior design, Marigold can be used as a way to create interest with small ornaments and trinkets. A marigold pillow on a Vivid Blue or Navy Blue suede coach will enahnce the space and bring the look together.

Marigold Dress
Marigold Nails
Marigold Sofa

Colors that go with Marigold

Contrast Marigold with Vivid Violet and Lime Green for an unusual eclectic look that feels daring, or pair Marigold with Bright Blue for a fun mix-and-match vibe.

Marigold Dress Color Combination
Marigold Nails Color Combination
Marigold Sofa Color Combination

Marigold Color Palettes and Schemes

Marigold works well with brown towns like Blonde Brown and Very Dark Orange for a monochromatic palette that looks like a Fall forest.

Marigold Dress Color Palette
Marigold Nails Color Palette
Marigold Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

A tiger pattern in Marigold and Onyx will give a design a playful but mature feel, while a wallpaper with Marigold and White checks creates a sunny vibe.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton