Mercury Color

HEX color code is #B7B8B9 and the RGB is 183, 184, 185

The color Mercury is frequently associated with commerce, communication, and luck which are also attributes of the mischievous Roman god of the same name. The planet Mercury is this same light slate gray and is the planet with the closest orbit to the sun, which is why the color Mercury is also related to a sense of balance.

How the color is made: The color Mercury is made by combining Dark Grayish Blue with White

History: The color Mercury was often used as a distinguishing hue in paintings of holy buildings like cathedrals and churches because of its noble and solemn look. For instance, in Lyonell Feininger’s “East Choir of Halle Cathedral,” Mercury gives the imposing angular buildings a soft and approachable ambiance.

Color in Action

A Mercury one-piece suit is an elegant staple piece of clothing in a man’s wardrobe, whether walking in the streets of Milan or attending board meetings. For women, a diaphanous Mercury dress can look mesmerizing in any season.
Paint a wall Mercury, cover the chairs in Powder Blue velvet, and position Gold-based lamps on an enchanting white desk, and you’ve designed a home office with a dash of Hollywood glam.

Mercury Dress
Mercury Nails
Mercury Sofa

Colors that go with Mercury

Mercury pairs well with any color because it is a cool neutral, but to really give a burst of energetic life why not try Mercury with Soft Pink and Gold?

Mercury Dress Color Combination
Mercury Nails Color Combination
Mercury Sofa Color Combination

Mercury Color Palettes and Schemes

Play with Mercury’s spectrum to move along the line of Dark Gray and Slate Blue Gray to a chalky Light Grey that looks like talcum powder and will create a heavenly effect.

Mercury Dress Color Palette
Mercury Nails Color Palette
Mercury Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

A striped wallpaper in Mercury, Gold, and White will give a light airiness to a room while incorporating a rug with a geometric print in Mercury, Dark Blue, and Cherry Red will add a visual anchor to a space.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton