Merlot Color

HEX color code is #6E3345 and the RGB is 110, 51, 69

The color Merlot has a richness and depth that mimics the full flavor of the wine by the same name. If the pigments from blackberries, plums, blackcurrants, vanilla, and cocoa are mixed into one nourishing hue the result is Merlot.

How the color is made: Merlot is created by mixing Soft Pink with Black to create a rich color that feels nutritious and sustaining like the earth’s soil.

History: Merlot was often associated with aggression, battle, and revolution because of its deep dark redness. Jacques-Louise David’s 1799 “The Intervention of the Sabine Women” uses Merlot when coloring the soldiers' cloaks and in the shadows to depict the goriness of battle.

Color in Action

Merlot is an opulent color that creates a sense of refinement and complexity to an outfit when worn in a coat or knee-high boots. It is typically considered a Winter color because of its depth and will make the wearer feel warmer because of the red undertone.
Office interiors that have a Merlot-colored theme look stately and authoritative, so if you want to portray an image that creates trust and affluence then paint the back of your bookcases Merlot and add brass handles to your desk drawers.

Merlot Dress
Merlot Nails
Merlot Sofa

Colors that go with Merlot

Merlot is beautifully complimented with Deep Saturated Cyan to create a scheme of proficiency and prowess, just think of the spines of law books that line most legal offices with their gold foil lettering.

Merlot Dress Color Combination
Merlot Nails Color Combination
Merlot Sofa Color Combination

Merlot Color Palettes and Schemes

By adding White to Merlot to achieve softer whisperings of its passionate depth, the color changes from a masculine hue to a more feminine pigment.

Merlot Dress Color Palette
Merlot Nails Color Palette
Merlot Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

A houndstooth pattern in Merlot and Cream White will add an elevated and surprising look, while a wallpaper that has a paisley design incorporating Dark Cyan, Gold, and Vanilla will add a quirky vibe that still feels elaborate.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton