Mint Green Color

HEX color code is #3AAB75 and the RGB is 58, 171, 117

A soothing color that resembles refreshment, rebirth and creativity. It a color of nature that brings peace, harmony and tranquil for every place put.

How the color is made: mint green is made by mixing a dominant white with blue into a green base.And in RGB color space, it consists of 56/255 red (~21.96% of red), 125/255 green (~49.02% of green), 73/255 blue (~28.63% of blue). And in CMYK color space, it is comprised of 55% cyan, 41% yellow, and 50% black, without any magenta.

History: greens have an extensive history, as human see them in nature abundantly. The name mint green only crystalized with th inception of the 20th century, when it became a favorite of art deco artists. Fast forward, the color now can be seen in fashion from clothing to accessories. It also found its way to interior design where it is used in bathrooms and kitchens. Well its popularity doesn't end here, it is also used as a color for automobiles.

Color in Action

As a color of nature, mint green invokes the feeling of rebirth, growth and sustainability. Also, due to its origins, the color is very refreshing and comforting. As many green shades, the color can be considered a color of sustainability, where it is used extensively by environmental initiatives. In fashion though, the color brings in all of these associations, making it a color of peace and harmony. In interiors, there is no refreshing, soothing, and comforting colors than greens, and mint green brings all these positive associations to your place.

Mint Green Dress
Mint Green Nails
Mint Green Sofa

Colors that go with Mint Green

Picking on the undertone of mint green and using similar shades like seafoam, dark olive green and dark pale blue green would create a confronting color harmony. Use violets as sugar plum to form a dynamic and intertwined resonance, other warm shades like pastel rust create a similar effect. Mint green works well with cool colors also like deep ruby, grape and purple navy.

Mint Green Dress Color Combination
Mint Green Nails Color Combination
Mint Green Sofa Color Combination

Mint Green Color Palettes and Schemes

Mint against a pastel blue stands out, use another slightly pale warm color to add some temperature to your palette. With other shades of green alongside mint green, you can achieve a great harmony that make the viewer comfortable. Yet use a light gray as a base with a blue as a secondary color and our color as a primary, and this mix will ensure a modern color palette that fits interiors as well as wear.

Mint Green Dress Color Palette
Mint Green Nails Color Palette
Mint Green Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Mint green can be used as a whole-wall paint without ever overwhelming the observer, which make it a great background color for multiple graphics, especially for eco-friendly movements. Patterns of nature, especially where mint green is used to color leaves, will seem so natural as the color was solely meant for them. The plain color, a pattern, graphics with mint green, or even a gradient with a compatible color, make cool and refreshing wallpapers that suits both electronic and physical media.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton