Neon Purple Color

HEX color code is #B026FF and the RGB is 176, 38, 255

Neon Purple has a luminosity to it that makes it work well in signage and product packaging. Neon Purple is often associated with spirituality and mysticism because of its allusion to the supernatural. Many fashion designers have incorporated Neon Purple into their fashion lines recently because of its extravagant appeal.

How the color is made: Neon Purple consists of Light Magenta and Pure Violet. The Magenta gives Neon Purple its luminance.

History: Bright Purple, especially Neon Purple, was a color that was unavailable to the masses because of its scarcity and designation for royal use only.

Color in Action

In 2018, Queen Elizabeth wore a Neon Purple outfit that harkened back to the days of regal attire. But Neon Purple is often seen in street-style fashion on ordinary people and celebrities alike, like when Hailey Baldwin wore a head-to-toe Neon Purple suit.
Neon Purple is popular in athleisure wear and is often seen as color-block elements on clothing or used in a brand’s logo, like with Nike’s light-up Neon Purple swoosh on the Air Force 1’s.

Neon Purple Dress
Neon Purple Nails
Neon Purple Sofa

Colors that go with Neon Purple

Neon Purple is complimented by Neon Green because of their similar intensities, and Neon Purple can also look fantastic and striking when incorporated in split-complementary themes that include Bright Yellow.

Neon Purple Dress Color Combination
Neon Purple Nails Color Combination
Neon Purple Sofa Color Combination

Neon Purple Color Palettes and Schemes

A Neon Purple color palette that runs the gamut from Light Violet to Strong Violet, with a smattering of Navy Blue can create a unified look that feels structured and homogeneous. Neon Purple can feel overwhelming when used as a solid block of color on its own, so adding other colors like a soft Yellow can tone the ferocity down.

Neon Purple Dress Color Palette
Neon Purple Nails Color Palette
Neon Purple Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Neon Purple in a geometric line pattern can look stunning when drawn on a black background or a white background because of the intensity of the Purple that reflects off the neutral surfaces.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton