Orange Red Color

HEX color code is #FF7336 and the RGB is 255, 115, 54

As the name suggests, orange red lies between orange and red with more orange. It is vibrant color that combines the warmth of orange with some of the energetic nature of red. As a result, it is often connoted with passion, enthusiasm and optimism.

How the color is made: start with orange as your base, add red until a satisfying hue is reached. In RGB color space, standard orange red is made up of 255/255 red (~100.0% of red), 115/255 green (~45.1% of green), 54/255 blue (~21.18% of blue). And in CMYK color space, it is made up of 0% cyan, 54% magenta, 78% yellow, and 0% black.

History: history of the color orange red isn't as juicy as the name sounds. Orange itself doesn't have an extensive timeline, though the mixture orange red (or more specifically yellow-red) had been referred to as geoluhread in Old English dating back to the 5th-12th century. Nowadays, orange red is used in many media from print to fashion.

Color in Action

The color orange red takes the its life from red, and its warmth from orange. In interior design, especially in combination with blues or greens, our color gives the room a warm and inviting atmosphere. Similarly, in fashion and clothing, it gives some heat and vibrancy to outfits seeding you a jolt of energy and enthusiasm; making it a perfect color choice for sports wear.

Orange Red Dress
Orange Red Nails
Orange Red Sofa

Colors that go with Orange Red

Orange red, lying between the two warm and vibrant colors, goes well with multiple colors from both sides of the color spectrum. A direct complement is picton blue; which can create attraction and takes total control of peoples attention. Warm colors that pairs well with orange red are: banana yellow, radical red, vibrant greens, and deep rose-violet. Blue-violet also create interesting contrast besides orange red.

Orange Red Dress Color Combination
Orange Red Nails Color Combination
Orange Red Sofa Color Combination

Orange Red Color Palettes and Schemes

To create a warm palette that inherits the aspects of orange red; use it as a base. To add more warmth and life, pair it with yellows, greens, reds, or rose-violet. Yet to neutralize the color temperature. use cool colors such as picton blue of blue-violet.

Orange Red Dress Color Palette
Orange Red Nails Color Palette
Orange Red Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Hot color as orange red, can be used as a background of graphics to convey and deliver strong emotions of passion, love, and boldness. Yet, if not used correctly, they can give wrong connotations. Same can be said about wallpapers, the only difference is that the color can seem less exaggerated around warm atmospheres like well-lit rooms. Patterns of flames or stars seem to fit orange red, yet natural patterns can seem bizarre, in an interesting way, in orange red; unless used as accents - like fruits or flowers - which will be slightly muted, thus a perfect balance is struck.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton