Pastel Blue Color

HEX color code is #C9D6E8 and the RGB is 201, 214, 232

Blue is one of the most popular colors in the world with many people naming various shades of blue as their favorite. Despite its popularity, Pastel Blue is often associated with depression and detachment. Pastel Blue can be used to portray latent ideas and dreams when used in art forms. For instance, Picasso’s “Woman in a Blue Dress” is painted predominantly in Pastel Blue to depict his fascination with surrealism and cultivating the unconscious.

How the color is made: Pastel Blue is created by mixing White with a slightly desaturated blue to create a cool color that looks like rain clouds approaching.

History: Traditionally Pastel Blue is associated with serenity and water because of the way it reminds people of the sky or the ocean. Because of its cold tone, too much blue in a painting can feel melancholic.

Color in Action

Pastel Blue is often chosen as the dominant color in weddings because it symbolizes femininity, purity, and optimism. A Pastel Blue dress in a floaty viscose fabric creates a look that feels magical and alluring.
A room that has Pastel Blue curtains or upholstery looks effortlessly elegant and makes a room feel bigger. A wooden bend with Pastel Blue cushions has a classic look that makes the room feel welcoming.

Pastel Blue Dress
Pastel Blue Nails
Pastel Blue Sofa

Colors that go with Pastel Blue

Match Pastel Blue to Vermicilli (which is a pale orange) to create a color scheme that feels synchronized and relaxing. A split-complementary color scheme with desaturated Red and desaturate Yellow creates a charismatic mood.

Pastel Blue Dress Color Combination
Pastel Blue Nails Color Combination
Pastel Blue Sofa Color Combination

Pastel Blue Color Palettes and Schemes

When used in a monochromatic palette Pastel Blue feels cold, and this can work well in a space or design where the desired outcome is to enhance a mood of calm.

Pastel Blue Dress Color Palette
Pastel Blue Nails Color Palette
Pastel Blue Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

A harlequin pattern in Pastel Blue, Cream White, and Slate has a bold feel and will certainly attract attention whether as a fabric or a wallpaper.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton