Pastel Yellow Color
HEX color code is #F8F1AE and the RGB is 248, 241, 174
Pastel Yellow is a buttery Yellow that is often seen on delicate dresses in Spring time. Studies have revealed that Pastel Yellow improves concentrations and knowledge retention which is why it is used as the base color for Yellow legal pads.
How the color is made: Pastel Yellow is made by blending White with Soft Yellow, to create a subtle warm color that feels as light as a petal.
History: Historically Pastel Yellow was used to depict dishonesty and betrayal which is evident in the Pastel Yellow robe that covers Judas in the mural by Giotto.
Color in Action
Nowadays, Pastel Yellow is used to signify joy, intellect, and splendor. It can be seen on the fashion runways in Milan and in streetwear when worn in oversized hoodies too. Since 2020 Pastel Yellow has been featured in designers’ collections like Celine, Alexandre Vauthier, and Miu Miu.
Pastel Yellow is a favorite color for expectant mothers who don’t want to impose societal gender norms on their babies because for years it has been considered a gender-neutral color. Pastel Yellow bedding and decor pieces add a whimsical element to a room because they mimic the look of lemon sherbet and cotton candy.
Colors that go with Pastel Yellow
Matching Pastel Yellow with Dark Moderate Blue will create a color scheme that feels cool and light. Conversely, pairing Pastel Yellow with a Dark Grayish Yellow will lend an air of authority and dignity.
Pastel Yellow Color Palettes and Schemes
Pastel Yellow color palettes will often include other pastel colors like Pastel Blue and Pastel Pink that reminds one of delicate macaroons and other delicious baked confections.