Peach Color

HEX color code is #FFE5B4 and the RGB is 255, 229, 180

Peach, as delicious as the name sounds, is a mixture of white, orange and yellow. It is a neutral color that pair with multiple hues, especially pastel colors along which great pastel palettes for interior design can be reached.

How the color is made: peach can be made by mixing white with orange-yellow. In RGB color space, it is made up of 255/255 red (~100.0% of red), 229/255 green (~89.8% of green), 180/255 blue (~70.59% of blue). And in CMYK color space, it consists of 10% magenta, 29% yellow, with no cyan or black.

History: the color, as well as the fruit, origins' are Middle French peche derived from Latin with a meaning "from Persia". Peach fruit is associated with immortality in Chinese Culture often picked up by art. When the term got to the west, it was considered a representative of female fertility and fruitfulness. In 1920s, peach was a color choice for mirror frames found in luxury houses and hotels. It was, and still, used in abstract art, portraits, landscapes and other visuals.

Color in Action

The color is alive, welcoming, and friendly inheriting that from orange. And it can be considered as a sign of happiness. It is also versatile, not as white though, making it a popular choice for makeup as it often goes well with any skin tone. The color is warm, calm, and comforting; though fun and energetic at the same time.

Peach Dress
Peach Nails
Peach Sofa

Colors that go with Peach

Light hues go well with dark hues. Yet peach goes well with both sides of the spectrum. For instance, it works well with light yellows and orange picking on the undertones. Other great colors are dark pale blues and violets, as well as dark pale reds.

Peach Dress Color Combination
Peach Nails Color Combination
Peach Sofa Color Combination

Peach Color Palettes and Schemes

Using reds and violets will create a great feminine palette. Yet for adding more interest, use pale cool colors such as blues. The colors melon red, pastel oranges and yellows also go along with peach. Yet lets not forget nature, pastel greens are striking with peach.

Peach Dress Color Palette
Peach Nails Color Palette
Peach Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Patterns, both geometric and organic, are great when colored in peach, more interestingly pastel gradients with warm colors, they are soothing and energetic at the same time. Gradients of peach works wonders in both backgrounds and wallpapers, yet patterns and the plain color itself are also good for both; especially for screens and poor-lit areas.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton