Pewter Color

HEX color code is #94969B and the RGB is 148, 150, 155

A dark shade of gray that contains an undertone of blue. Pewter with the neutrality, seriousness, and muted appearance, matched with a hint of calmness makes pewter a good fit with a wide range of colors if not the whole spectrum.
Also, pewter is comfortable on the eye as the undertone it has is a cool color (blue). Which make it a great fit as all a base color, a secondary color, or even an accent.

How the color is made: as any other grey it is made by mixing black and white but for pewter it contains a hint of blue (and a far hint of green). In RGB color space, it consists of 148/255 red (~58% of red), 150 green (~58.8% of green), 155/255 (~61% of blue). And in CMYK it is comprised of 5% cyan, 3% magenta and 39% black with no yellow.

History: pewter, the color, doesn't have a long history. Yet, the alloy have been used since ancient Rome, as it was used to craft utensils, so the color was familiar to human for quite a long time.
Occurence: It is now used in interior design as both an a base color and an accent.

Color in Action

Don't mistake the lack of color of greys as being characterless, it suggests seriousness, neutrality, maturity, responsibility and practicality. But pewter adds a sense of calmness and a slight suggestion of life and growth borrowing that from blue and green consecutively.

Pewter Dress
Pewter Nails
Pewter Sofa

Colors that go with Pewter

One of the features of being a gray insures pewter the quality of fitting any literally any color of the color wheel. From warm colors as reds and yellows to cool colors such as blues.

Pewter Dress Color Combination
Pewter Nails Color Combination
Pewter Sofa Color Combination

Pewter Color Palettes and Schemes

To get a metallic look use other metallic colors such as silver or gold, and to create a natural palettes use greens, browns, and other nature-inspired colors. But when selecting a color palette that contains pewter mind other colors balance!

Pewter Dress Color Palette
Pewter Nails Color Palette
Pewter Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Seriousness of gray must be graced by geometric patterns to further intensify the feeling of practicality. Such patterns can feel dull, but they are trends in various media. And as we discussed earlier, pewter is a great choice for backgrounds as it is a muted color. Lastly, visuals created using pewter fit almost everywhere wither digital media, printed media among others.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton