Platinum Color
HEX color code is #E5E4E2 and the RGB is 229, 228, 226
Platinum is an extremely Light Gray that mimics the luster of the precious metal from which it acquires its name. Platinum is a neutral color that looks like ancient plaster and makes one think of the majestic palatial and monumental ruins in ancient Greece.
How the color is made: Platinum is created by mixing Light Gray Orange with White and results in a neutral color that has a slight glow in its hue.
History: Historically, Platinum was a color that was connected to maturity, modesty, and wisdom. For instance, the Stanza of Heliodorus which depicts the miracle at Bolsena and the origin of the feast of Copus Christi is surrounded by pillars, stairs, and facades all in a Platinum color.
Color in Action
A Platinum suit exudes dignity and class, whether worn by a man or a woman. Platinum is such a popular color that it has been used to color hair since the early 2000s, and gives those who wear it a decorous air.
Using Platinum colors in interior design creates a neutral base from which to plan and execute all kinds of designs in bolder colors like Dark Red, Rich Navy, and Deep Emerald Green for a real sense of drama and style.
Colors that go with Platinum
Match Platinum with Lemon Yellow for a fresh and zesty feel in a design, or try Platinum with a luxurious Raisin Purple for a distinct level of opulence and intrigue.
Platinum Color Palettes and Schemes
Use Platinum with Porpoise Gray and Earl Gray to create a tonal palette that can form the base for a plethora of impressive design options. Platinum’s neutrality makes it the perfect counterpart for any color.