Plum Color

HEX color code is #DDA0DD and the RGB is 221, 160, 221

The color Plum is seen most often on the bright blooms of the creeping Phlox plant. It is a color that is commonly associated with rarity, eroticism, and seduction. Occasionally, Plum was used to portray mysticism and magic. For example, in the Raphael Bible, the depiction of “Jacob’s Dream” the heavenly clouds that part for the ascending angles are a Plum color.

How the color is made: To make Plum mix Moderate Magenta with White to achieve a soft light purple that is the color of delicate petals.

History: Historically, Plum was considered a rare and expensive color that was used exclusively for royal attire. Even the soft purple hue of Plum dye was too expensive for commoners to afford.

Color in Action

Plum’s unique mix of pink and purple hues makes it a popular color for glitzy award shows and evening dresses. Who can forget Rhinna’s shimmery Plum dress that was reported to have 275,000 crystals sewn into the fabric for her stellar performance of “Wild Thoughts” with DJ Khaled in 2018? And Dua Lipa’s satin and sequins dress at the 2022 Grammy’s was just as amazing.
It might not be conventional, but Plum will look fantastic in a modern kitchen design as a backsplash with white marble tops, white cabinet doors, and gold handles. Its bright and cheery mood will give any room an instant facelift.

Plum Dress
Plum Nails
Plum Sofa

Colors that go with Plum

To complement Plum, pair it with light lime green to create the look of luminous greenery behind silky petals. Or create an analogous color scheme with very soft pink and very soft violet that feels fruity and sweet.

Plum Dress Color Combination
Plum Nails Color Combination
Plum Sofa Color Combination

Plum Color Palettes and Schemes

A tetradic color palette with Plum will include colors like very soft blue, very soft yellow, and very soft green to produce a mood that feels like you stepped into a secret garden.

Plum Dress Color Palette
Plum Nails Color Palette
Plum Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

A wallpaper with Plum and green floral designs can bring a delicate feel to a space.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton