Quartz Color
HEX color code is #D9D9F3 and the RGB is 217, 217, 243
Quartz is a subtle color that has a feminine appeal that is hard to explain. In Raphael’s painting of the Bible story where Jacob meets Rachel, Rachel (who is assuming a flirtatious pose) is wearing an overdress that is Quartz colored. Quartz is a color used in artwork to hint at desire and propriety.
How the color is made: Mixing White with very Soft Blue creates a slightly Puprlegrayish Blue hue that looks like a meadow of delicate flowers.
History: Historically, Quartz symbolized exclusivity and nobility and was a color that was adored by the aristocracy as a way to distinguish their class and stature in society—fieldworkers and laborers were never seen wearing colors like Quartz.
Color in Action
Whispy mesh and embroidered evening dresses in Quartz speak of seduction and playfulness. Mila Kunis wore a gorgeous Quartz-colored dress to the 2017 Oscars and stunned fans with her alluring beauty.
Use Quartz in kitchen designs to create an airy feel that makes the space appear more spacious. Or paint the bathroom a Quartz color for a relaxing space where you can soak your cares away in a luxurious bubble bath.
Colors that go with Quartz
Match Quartz with Light Gray Yellow for a complementary color scheme that will make you think of the sharp but lovely taste of lime and grape sherbet on your tongu
Quartz Color Palettes and Schemes
A triadic color palette with Pale Lime Green, Soft Peach, and Quartz creates a vibe that feels like Sunday at a bakery when the freshest meringues come out of the oven and the sugary scene invades your nostrils.
Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns
Marble swirls in Quartz and White make a mesmerizing background that is great for taking product photos. Paisley patterns in Quartz and Black have a playful eccentric feel and wallpapers with Quartz and Gray stripes will make a room appear as if it has a higher ceiling.