Rose Color
HEX color code is #F33A6A and the RGB is 243, 58, 106
If you cross a pink “Princess Alexandra of Kent” rose with a “Mr. Lincoln” red rose the resulting color would be an extraordinarily beautiful Rose color. Rose is a wonderful mix of passionate red and dainty pink that makes it an ever-popular choice for extravagant evening wear. Rose’s appeal comes mostly from its close association with the highly coveted garden flower.
How the color is made: To make Rose, mix very light pink with pure red.
History: Rose is a color that was typically associated with love and affection. It is a close second to red as the color for Valentine's day teddy bears, candied hearts, boxes of chocolates, and floral bouquets.
Color in Action
A Rose-coloured blazer worn with medium blue jeans and a white blouse adds instant pizzazz to an outfit. Complement this with a pair of Rose high-heels and you’ll turn envious heads wherever you go. Rose is a good choice for high fashion, and Gucci recently created a kaleidoscopic experience with its line of Rose garments that were adorned with teal, green, and blue applique and embroidery elements.
Rose is a perfect color for a child’s room or a playroom because it feels uplifting and comforting, while still feeling playful and fun. A Rose-colored accent wall or painting can enliven the atmosphere of a space.
Colors that go with Rose
Match Rose with lime green for a color scheme that mimics a well-manicured garden. Or try a tetradic color scheme with bright violet, bright green, Rose, and lime green for a whimsical fresh look.
Rose Color Palettes and Schemes
Add swatches of Rose to Dark pink and Bubblegum pink for a soothing color palette that looks like the veins and concentric swirls on rose petals.
Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns
Chevron patterns in Rose and white are fun and energetic. For a dynamic wallpaper, try a harlequin pattern in Rose, light pink, light blue and white.