Rose Pink Color
HEX color code is #FF66CC and the RGB is 255, 102, 204
Even though it is often associated with love and desire, Rose Pink is not just a color for a bouquet of Valentine’s roses. Rose Pink is also not only a color that women wear, and thanks to actors like Timothée Chalamet wearing a Rose Pink suit to the premiere of “Little Women” in 2022, the color is now seen in more and more department stores in the men’s sections.
How the color is made: To make Rose Pink combine Very Pale Magenta with Pure Pink to get a color that evokes visions of playful frolics in spun sugar.
History: In the mid-twentieth century several aristocratic families wore Rose Pink as a way to symbolize their status in society, and Rose Pink was included in the clothing of both male and female members.
Color in Action
Rose Pink is an enthralling color that can easily shift its meaning based on the design lines and structure of the garment.
Rose Pink can be painted on interior walls in bedrooms, bathrooms, living rooms, and even kitchens because it adds a comfortable and supportive feeling to a home.
Colors that go with Rose Pink
Try a triadic color scheme with Light Blue, Light Green, and Rose Pink that allows the colors to create a theme that matches with a feeling of euphoria and buoyancy, that will make you feel like a kid in a candy store.
Rose Pink Color Palettes and Schemes
Rose Pink, Dark Pink, and a bright Vivid Pink can be used in conjunction with white to create a soothing palette that also feels playful.
Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns
A Rose Pink medallion pattern will have circular designs with various shades of Pink and will create a calm feeling when used in a design. A Rose Pink and White striped wallpaper can make a room feel more structured and formal.