Skin Color

HEX color code is #E8BEAC and the RGB is 232, 190, 172

A warm peachy rose color that closely resembles average skin tones. It is a color of openness, transparency and warmth. The color also invokes feelings of empathy that unites all human beings.

How the color is made: skin is made by mixing tiny amounts of green and yellow in white base, to darken the color a little bit use some black. In RGB color space, its RGB components are 232/255 red (~90.98% of red), 190/255 green (~74.51% of green), 172/255 blue (~67.45% of blue). And in CMYK color space, it is composed of 18% magenta, 25% yellow, and 9% black, with no cyan.

History: the color skin doesn't have an extensive history with this name, though we can find it in portrait without specifically calling the color skin. Notably, the same color is used by Sherwin Williams under the name gracious rose, and according to them the color make up for great whole-wall paints and furniture.

Color in Action

The color's warmth isn't as overwhelming as yellow or red, yet it invokes similar feelings of energy yet a less intensity. The color can seem dramatic if used in interior design. Skin, due to its pinkish undertone, can be considered a color of subtle feminity that emits the caring nature of women, yet it is so subtle that is can be considered gender agnostic.

Skin Dress
Skin Nails
Skin Sofa

Colors that go with Skin

Skin is a warm color, which means it works well with cool colors, light blue is a direct complementary; and they play well together especially if you used the blue as a base color. Analogous colors to skin are pastel chestnut and dark cream, and they appear conforming alongside skin. Pastel purples are also great colors that make skin pop up.

Skin Dress Color Combination
Skin Nails Color Combination
Skin Sofa Color Combination

Skin Color Palettes and Schemes

Skin can be used as a base color for blue color palettes, it replaces cream and beige perfectly and plays as both a neutral and a warming agent. With browns and other skin tones, it will create drastically interesting color palettes as these would resemble a palette of humans.

Skin Dress Color Palette
Skin Nails Color Palette
Skin Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Patterns of skin aren't limited to one form as it can be used for different kinds of them. Interestingly, gradient with blue would appear subtle but modern at the same time. The color can be used to base both portraits and sand-scapes, yet it can also be used as a background for different kinds of graphics. Wallpapers, especially physical ones, are wonderful as screens fail to fully capture the beauty of this hue.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton