Taupe Color

HEX color code is #8C7D75 and the RGB is 140, 125, 117

Sitting in the middle ground between gray an brown make it an impossible task to pinpoint the family that taupe belongs to, nonetheless that even make it more interesting than what meets the eye.
Taupe inherits some of the features of gray as well as others from brown, which create an interesting combination of colors.

How the color is made: taupe is made by mixing gray with brown. In RGB color space it consists of 161/255 red (~63% of red), 154/255 green (~60% of green), 143/255 blue (~56% of blue). And in the CMYK color space it is comprised of 4% magenta, 11% yellow and 37% black with no cyan added to the mix.

History: the color taupe is hard to pinpoint itself, let alone its history. However taupe, the color, got its named from the French word taupe meaning mole. Whose average color is a brownish shade of gray, hence the name of the color.

Color in Action

Being muted grants many advantages to taupe such as being timeless and suitable everywhere at any time of the year, whither it is used in fashion, interior design or in art.
Taupe takes a sense of seriousness and authority from gray and it takes its weight, belonging to earth, and stability from brown. Such qualities provide more interest to the color without undermining its neutrality.

Taupe Dress
Taupe Nails
Taupe Sofa

Colors that go with Taupe

Other muted tone colors especially if their undertones were cool colors such as blueish browns, blueish grays, and purple grays. Also other neutral colors such as tan, beige, creamy light colors are also good matches. We shouldn't forget that green and blue colors can also pair well with taupe.

Taupe Dress Color Combination
Taupe Nails Color Combination
Taupe Sofa Color Combination

Taupe Color Palettes and Schemes

As a neutral color, you shouldn't focus too much on taupe itself (even though it is half brown it works well with various colors), but rather on other colors harmonies. For example, you should try to limit your palette and base your palette on a well defined view. To get a darker look use taupe as a base color, and for a lighter look you can either use a lighter shade or use taupe as an accent.

Taupe Dress Color Palette
Taupe Nails Color Palette
Taupe Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Taupe is a versatile color, meaning it can be used as a background color without any problems. Furry pattern are great with this color, yet also tree patterns and geometric patterns are equally as beautiful when colored using taupe. Plain backgrounds or patterns are both good for taupe wallpapers.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton