Teal Color

HEX color code is #008080 and the RGB is 0, 128, 128

A mixture of green and blue taking best of both. Energy and renewal power of green, tranquility and calmness wisdom of blue. It makes you remember beaches, the sea and time spent retiring from daily life.

How the color is made: teal is made by mixing green and blue with the same ratio. In RGB color space, its components are 128/255 green (~50.2% of green), 128/255 blue (~50.2% of blue), without any red. And in CMYK color space, its components are 100% cyan, and 49% black, with neither magenta nor yellow.

History: teal's name origin is a duck with the same name where we find the color in its head, neck, and wing tips. Teal was considered a sign of the infinite nature of sea and sky in Tibet, and it was a resemblance of faith and truth for Pharos when Egyptians used it in multiple religious rituals. Fast forward to the 20th century, teal gained fame due to the Plochere system used by interior designers. Then Crayola incorporated teal in their crayons, making the color a choice for children who love drawing sea.

Color in Action

Teal seems very calm, yet it is also very nutritious to the soul and mind giving a great dose of energy and renewal in a calm and controlled setting. Such a recharge would ensure a clear head with a perfect judging capabilities. Also, it comes across as trustworthy and deep. Yet if overused, it may become overwhelming as it is very eye-catchy.

Teal Dress
Teal Nails
Teal Sofa

Colors that go with Teal

A direct complement to the cool color is the warm color maroon. But, they should be paired with a neutral like white or cream. Other colors that goes well with teal are: dark cerulean, vibrant greens, vibrant blues, dark rose, chocolate, olive and violets.

Teal Dress Color Combination
Teal Nails Color Combination
Teal Sofa Color Combination

Teal Color Palettes and Schemes

A beach-inspired color palette might include different shades of blue, green, sand yellow, white and light grays. Dues are also great with teal, for example, you can use different shades of teal and maroon. Or different shades of teal and violet or any of the colors mentioned above.

Teal Dress Color Palette
Teal Nails Color Palette
Teal Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Patterns of coral reef are the subject matter of teal, geometric pattern are also good in teal, especially fractals. Teal can be used as a background color, yet it is better to create a gradient instead of the plain color. That can be said about wallpapers too, it is better to use a pattern or a gradient.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton