Topaz Color
HEX color code is #FFC067 and the RGB is 255, 192, 103
Topaz is the most popular Orange colored gemstone and is often likened to the fiery sun. Because of this, the color topaz is often associated with enlightenment and radiance and is used on Buddhist monks’ robes. In Perugino and Pinturicchio’s portrait titled, “The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan,” the character of John the Baptist is wearing a Topaz tunic to depict his directive from God.
How the color is made: Topaz is created by mixing Very Pale Yellow with Pure Orange to achieve a hue that looks like it has been sun-kissed.
History: Historically, a Topaz color was used to portray a person or idea that was believed to be bestowed with heavenly insight, and has come to symbolize spiritual connection.
Color in Action
The 2019 London Fashion Week saw the arrival of Topaz in all its glory with designers like Christopher Kane, Rejina Pyo, Emilia Wickstead, Erdem, and Roksanda rocking their creations in this alluring hue. From Topaz blazers to Topaz sunhats, the runway looked like an enticing sunrise punch.
Topaz is not only a color for fashion enthusiasts but has recently been introduced into household appliances with Dyson’s limited edition multi-styler and air dryer hair tool making waves on Valentine’s Day in 2023. The color adds so much interest to a mundane piece of equipment that customers are flocking to scoop it up.
Colors that go with Topaz
It is no surprise that Topaz is perfectly complemented by Bright Blue because of the way these yes play with the eyes. But consider pairing Topaz with Pure Violet for a real statement, the way Emilio Pucci did in his Fall 2005 collection.
Topaz Color Palettes and Schemes
Topaz, Light Peach, and Orange Brown can be pulled together for a monochrome palette that feels mature and original.