Turquoise Color

HEX color code is #40E0D0 and the RGB is 64, 224, 208

Turquoise is a blue-green color with yellowish undertones. Turquoise is associated with tranquility, nourishment, and happiness. Throughout history, it was used as talisman as it was considered protective and bringer of good fortune.

How the color is made: turquoise is made by mixing blue and green pigments with some yellow. And in RGB color space, it is comprised of 64/255 red (~25.1% of red), 224/255 green (~87.84% of green), 208/255 blue (~81.57% of blue). And in CMYK color space, it is comprised of 71% cyan, 0% magenta, 7% yellow, and 12% black.

History: turquoise, the word, originated from French meaning Turkish, as the color was of the gemstone turquoise native to areas that are parts of Turkey, east Europe, and West Asia now. The gemstone was holy in many cultures, and by association, the color had some positive connotation that never outdated. Even it "the turquoise" is used as a slang for the caribbean waters. We will find the color not only in jewelry; but also in architecture in original lands of turquoise, as it is used to decorate doms in that region.

Color in Action

The color looks quite calm with a sense of growth, power and joy. Connotation of growth, and borrowed from green, and of happiness and motion borrowed from its yellow undertone, governing all that is blue's serenity, calmness and wisdom. So wherever you put the color turquoise, you will get a calming and an area worthy of meditation. Yet the color also appears naive and childish with wrong pairings.

Turquoise Dress
Turquoise Nails
Turquoise Sofa

Colors that go with Turquoise

Turquoise works well with its parents and the undertone, it goes homogeneously with all of them. Yet to create an interesting color combination, use it with a warm color such as red, yet use a slightly toned-down brownish red to create a great color balance. Worthy-of-noting colors are: tiger's eye (also have a similar gemstone relation), shades of blue-violet, shades of violet, and shades of red-orange.

Turquoise Dress Color Combination
Turquoise Nails Color Combination
Turquoise Sofa Color Combination

Turquoise Color Palettes and Schemes

A sea-inspired color palette might include shades of blue, sea-green and other shades of green, also it have some space for yellow-sand. For creating a feminine color palette, use shades of pink or rose. Maroon and deep red will certainly add too much to turquoise, so it is better to use them as only accents or secondary colors in your palette. The best neutral to use with turquoise is light gray or an unsaturated blue.

Turquoise Dress Color Palette
Turquoise Nails Color Palette
Turquoise Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Backgrounds of turquoise might appear childish, but with correct execution of color selection, it will definitely create a great mode from just looking at them. Thats also true for wallpapers, but wallpapers have something to add, wallpapers of sea in a turquoise palette depicts and captures all the aspects of water. Patterns of watery origins are perfect to be painted turquoise, that is true for any water-life-inspired pattern like patterns of coral.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton