Viridian Color

HEX color code is #159B8B and the RGB is 21, 155, 139

Viridian is a greenish-blue color that is located halfway between green and teal on the color wheel. It is more muted than teal which makes it superbly suited for fabrics that play with light, like velvet, silk, and satin. Florence Pugh’s dress for the 2022 Oscars was a ruffled Viridian piece of art from Louis Vuitton that she paired with Viridian heels and a Viridan clutch purse.

How the color is made: To make Veridian, mix vivid cyan and very dark (almost black) cyan to achieve a rich and deep blue-green hue that looks like the deepest part of the ocean.

History: The color Viridian was first produced in 1838 by the French Pannetier and his assistant Binet. As Viridian was refined and the process to produce it made the color a more affordable option for artists who wanted to use it, the color's popularity grew amongst painters of the Impressionist and Pot-Impresionsint eras.

Color in Action

Veridian’s lustrous shine makes it the ideal color for costume design for both stage and screen. Whether the character is an underwater creature, like a mermaid, or an interplanetary species like an alien, Viridian has the depth and allure that makes it perfect to capture other-worldliness in the costume.
Interior decorators use Viridian in every space in a home with great success. It has a natural sheen that is only enhanced by luxurious fabrics like velvet, suede, sateen, silk charmeuse, and even lycra.

Viridian Dress
Viridian Nails
Viridian Sofa

Colors that go with Viridian

Match Viridain with a deep rich red for a dramatic and pleasing effect. This complementary color swatch will add a majestic feel to any design.

Viridian Dress Color Combination
Viridian Nails Color Combination
Viridian Sofa Color Combination

Viridian Color Palettes and Schemes

Viridian, very dark cyan, and strong cyan can be combined in a tonal color palette that mimics the movement and coolness of the ocean

Viridian Dress Color Palette
Viridian Nails Color Palette
Viridian Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Wallpapers that have a chintz pattern in Viridain, cream, red, and bronze will create a regency-era feel in a room.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton