Viva Magenta Color

HEX color code is #BF284C and the RGB is 191, 40, 76

A lively mid-tone red magenta color that is chosen to be the color of the year 2023 for its vigor and assertiveness, beside being a natural color that stimulate the mind and body with its lively playful, yet quasi-bold tone.

How the color is made: the color of the year 2023 is a pinkish purple color made by mixing equal parts of red and blue pigments. In RGB color space it is made by mixing 191/255 red (~75% of red), 40/255 green (~15% of green), 76/255 (~29% of blue). And in CMYK color space it is made by mixing 79% of magenta, 60% of yellow, 25% of black, with no cyan added to the mix.

History: derived from the natural dye carmine, which is extracted from the cochineal beetles. Carmine dye is considered one of the most precious natural dyes, as it is colorful and vibrant, the dye was first used by Mesoamerican people, dating up to 2000 B.C. It was believed to have magical powers!

Color in Action

The color of 2023 was chosen to fit the new year emergence, most people are back to in-person interaction after a long time in lock down. So, we need a welcoming and playful natural color that resembles our human craving for socialization.
Wearing viva magenta declares power whether it is used as a ful costume or as an accessory. It works well in all times due to its balanced temperature, so it can be graciously used in interior design. And according to Pantone it is "an unconventional color for an unconventional time", which will make your graphics shine and tell a great story. It can be paired with pale colors which will sure draw eyes, yet that will be visually appealing.

Viva Magenta Dress
Viva Magenta Nails
Viva Magenta Sofa

Colors that go with Viva Magenta

Viva magenta works well with multitude of colors from both sides warm and cool. Also, it can be paired with pale and vibrant colors; yet the most great matches are: emerald green, meadow green, pale pink, yellow-orange, light gray, sand , cinnamon brown, rich plum and bold black.

Viva Magenta Dress Color Combination
Viva Magenta Nails Color Combination
Viva Magenta Sofa Color Combination

Viva Magenta Color Palettes and Schemes

For an analogous and eye-comforting look, use pale pink, pantone, magenta, and red. Yet for a more vivid harmony, you can match it with greens such as emerald green, meadow green, sea green. But for a more memorable look use black, and sky blue. And to strike the perfect balance, pair it with cinnamon brown, yellow-orange, or rich plum.

Viva Magenta Dress Color Palette
Viva Magenta Nails Color Palette
Viva Magenta Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Viva magenta is one of few colors that work perfectly with both organic and geometric patterns, yet it can be somehow overwhelming to use as a base color, so line art is best rendered using viva magenta. It can be used as a background, but it is always better to use gradients or patterns instead of plain color. Patterns with viva magenta make up interesting wallpapers for both electronic and none-electronic media.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton