Wine Color

HEX color code is #80013F and the RGB is 128, 1, 63

A color of luxury, status, beauty and fashion. Its timelessness grants it a feeling of immortality, besides shining with the feeling of joy and passion just like the beverage.

How the color is made: the color is made by adding some blue and black to a red base. And in RGB color space, it is comprised of 128/255 red (~50.2% of red), 1/255 green (~0.39% of green), 63/255 blue (~24.71% of blue). And in CMYK color space, it consists of 99% magenta, 50% yellow, and 49% black without any cyan.

History: the history of wine is indescribable as we all know, and the color is deeply intertwined with the beverage. The first usecase of the name for describing the color in English was in 1705. The color is now used in many industries, for example it is a popular color in fashion and clothing. Yet it also found its way to sports as it is a main color for uncountable sport teams.

Color in Action

The color take from both red and purple. For example it looks a passionate color but not overly overwhelming like red. Also the color is charming and warm. And it takes some purple's mysterious nature, it will seem authoritative and ridiculously assertive. But it also takes some of the negative associations of black, while it seems modern, it can also be interpreted as a sign of melancholy and sadness.

Wine Dress
Wine Nails
Wine Sofa

Colors that go with Wine

A complementary to wine is a deep green shade, together they seem to have an intense relationship. Wine works with similar warm colors such as maroon as violet (to pick up on its undertone). It goes along with multiple shades of blue such as navy blue, dark cerulean, teal and indigo.

Wine Dress Color Combination
Wine Nails Color Combination
Wine Sofa Color Combination

Wine Color Palettes and Schemes

A romantic color palette may include various shades of rose, dark lavender, black and wine. Or you can add some life to the palette by adding a green, and basing this palette on a warm neutral such as cream will create a great atmospheric vibe worthy of staying in forever. You can use a neutral as a base to make your palette look modern and sophistication, adding some blue would make your palette more interesting and would make wine stand out more.

Wine Dress Color Palette
Wine Nails Color Palette
Wine Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Patterns of flowers or wavy textiles are the most enthusiastic patterns that can be painted wine. Wine can also be used as a background color for restaurant-related graphics as the color is associated with the appetizing power of the beverage. Screen wallpapers are great if base on wine as the color won't be to hard on the eye.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton